461 research outputs found

    Large eddy simulation of plume dispersion behind an aircraft in the take-off phase

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    The aim of this paper is to provide an investigation, using large eddy simulation, into plume dispersion behind an aircraft in co-flowing take-off conditions. Validation studies of the computational model were presented by Aloysius and Wrobel (Environ Model Softw 24:929–937, 2009) and a study of the flow and dispersion properties of a double-engine aircraft jetwas presented by Aloysius et al. EEC/SEE/2007/001,EUROCONTROLExperimentalCentre, http://www.eurocontrol.int/eec/gallery/content/public/document/eec/report/2007/ 032_ALAQS_comparison_of_CFD_and_Lagrangian_dispersion_methods.pdf), in which only the engine was modelled. In this paper, the complete geometry of a Boeing 737 is modelled and investigated. The currentwork represents a contribution towards a better understanding of the source dynamics behind an airplane jet engine during the take-off and landing phases. The information provided from these simulations will be useful for future improvements of existing dispersion models

    Imperatives of Legislative Oversight Function in Nigerian Democratic System

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    This study, Imperatives of Legislative Oversight Function in Nigeria Democratic System examines the strength and level of separation of powers, among the three tiers of government, the autonomy, checks and balances among the arms. The study established that the legislative organ is incapacitated from carrying out effective legislation for good governance because of inadequate autonomy, the executive usurpation of legislative powers by involving in oversight function, the problem of god-fatherism and corrupt tendencies of most members of the legislative houses. This work therefore posited that to ensure effective legislation that will bring about good governance in the polity, there should be independent choice of candidates, free and fair election, financial autonomy of the legislature and regular oversight function, devoid of financial and material benefits or inducement by members of the legislative arm. Keywords: Legislative, Oversight function, Democracy, Good governance, Transparency and Accountability

    Hubungan Persepsi Pasien tentang Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan dengan Minat Kunjungan Ulang Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas Bakunase Kecamatan Kota Raja

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    Public health center with good quality services will provide satisfaction and good perception to customers, which ultimately customers will reuse and recommend the health services to those around them. This will affect repeat purchasing decisions, which will affect consumers about the services provided. Bakunase Public Health Center data for 2016-2018 shows that Bakunase Public Health Center outpatient visits has decreased. The highest decline in outpatient visits to the Bakunase Public Health Center occurred in 2018, amounting to 15,354 visits. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between patients perceptions about the quality of health services with the interest of outpatient visits at the Bakunase Public Health Center. This type of research is quantitative research with cross sectional research design. The population in this study was the average number of monthly outpatient visits at the Bakunase Public Health Center in 2018 of 3,468 people and a sample of 97 people taken using purposive sampling techniques. The results showed a relationship between perceptions of outpatients on the dimensions of reliability, assurance, empathy and direct evidence with the interest of outpatient visits in Bakunase Public Health Center. While the patient's perception of the responsiveness dimension is not related to the interest of outpatient visits at the Bakunase Public Health Center. It is expected that Bakunase Public Health Center can improve the quality of registration services, doctor services, shorten registration times and waiting times to get services

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang Nomor 5 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perizinan Mendirikan Bangunan Di Kota Semarang

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    Kebijakan Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan mengacu pada Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang Nomor 5 tahun 2009 bertujuan agar kegiatan pembangunan di Kota Semarang dapat diselenggarakan secara tertib, terarah, dan selaras dengan tata ruang kota. Setiap bangunan gedung harus memenuhi persyaratan administratif dan persyaratan teknis sesuai dengan fungsi bangunan gedung. IMB akan melegalkan suatu bangunan yang direncanakan sesuai dengan Tata Ruang yang telah ditentukan. Selain itu, adanya IMB menunjukkan bahwa rencana kostruksi bangunan tersebut juga dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan maksud untuk kepentingan bersama. Persyaratan administratif yang dimaksud meliputi persyaratan status hak atas tanah, status kepemilikan bangunan gedung, dan izin mendirikan bangunan. Tujuan tersebut dapat tercapai melalui proses implementasi yang efektif yang dapat dilihat dari ketepatan kebijakan , ketepatan pelaksanaan , ketepatan target , ketepatan lingkungan dan ketepatan proses. Proses implementasi ijin mendirikan bangunan dalam mencapai tujuannya tidak terlepas dari faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat. Berdasarkan teori George C Edward III faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat berupa tujuan dan ukuran dasar/Standar kebijakan, Sumber Daya, Komunikasi, Karakteristik Badan Pelaksana (Disposisi), Struktur Birokrasi. Berdasarkan hambatan yang ada dalam implementasi kebijakan Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan di Kota Semarang, penulis memberikan rekomendasi berupa: (1) penguatan strategi dan komitmen dari pelaksana program agar hasil yang diperoleh bisa mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan dan juga hasil kegiatan mampu mencapai tujuan, (2) melakukan pendekatan baik secara struktural maupun emosional dengan kelompok target, agar dapat merangkul dan menciptakan suasana yang sinergis dalam Implementasi Kebijakan IMB, (3) monitoring secara intensif baik dari dinas maupun pihak lain yang bekerjasama dalam kegiatan tersebut agar kegiatan-kegiatan yang sudah berjalan tidak berhenti begitu saja, (4) Pendampingan kelompok harus benar-benar dilakukan hingga mereka dirasa cukup mampu untuk mengelola kegiatan secara mandir

    Implementasi Perda No 2 Tahun 2012 Tentang Retribusi Pelayanan Pasar Di Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus Pasar Johar)

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    The Government of Semarang city through Perda No. 2 / 2012 about Retribution Market service in Semarang City which is a case study in order to maximize the service of the Johar market. There are many problems in Johar market as the facility is the merchants and residents that is not good they paid retribution, not just in time it found the situation worse in the program, public order and security. Interestingly the fare in pay is not in accordance with Perda No. 2 / 2012 already set in . Based on, the writers interested researched about Retribution Market service in Semarang City which is a case study Johar market. This research is guided by theory belongs Riant Nugroho with 5 precision this is appropriatness of the policy, implementation, enviroment, targets and process to know Perda No. 2 / 2012 about Retribution Market service in Semarang City which is a case study Johar market. To find out by factors in support and inhibitors of the implementation of market levies for the writer holding on to the theory of edward III who consists of resources factor, communication factors, disposition factors, and the bureaucratic structure factors. Researchers used a qualitative approach. The result of suggests that there are still some things should be improved in the process of policy that the awareness of traders in order to carry out retribution, there are many officers not firmly, levy charges must be consistent with the policy set, officers are still the slow and agencies involved to finish problems. While a factor that impeding policy this is not consistent in the implementation of the job, who had not realized that other agencies are reponsible for this policy together, the officers misscommunication between traders and lack of awareness of traders. Giving advice to the writer is the levy to be adjusted, the provision of the facilities must be optimized, officers must firmly, additional security personnel, employeess enhanced quality and quantity, and coordination with related agencies must be done in optimally

    Analisis Yuridis Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Penipuan Di Bidang Pasar Modal Melalui Pendekatan Sistem Peradilan Pidana (Criminal Justice System)

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    The category of criminal act in capital market is divided into two types: crime and transgression. Fraud in capital market is a crime. This category is different from the other criminal acts because it has its specific characteristics. It is specifically misleading information, viewed from the activity of capital market which is related to tender and stock exchange, stock companies, and institutions and professions which deal with stock market. Fraud in capital market is done by using information or falsified condition so that it will harm a party without having the effect on the manipulated market. Regulation on fraud on material fact in the activity in the stock exchange can be seen in Article 90 of UUPM (Law on Capital Market). Criminal Justice System is used in proactive manner when there is an indication of violation against law on capital market by verifying and/or investigating, based on the report or complaint from capital marketers

    Analisis Yuridis Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Penipuan Di Bidang Pasar Modal Melalui Pendekatan Sistem Peradilan Pidana (Criminal Justice System)

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    The category of criminal act in capital market is divided into two types: crime and transgression. Fraud in capital market is a crime. This category is different from the other criminal acts because it has its specific characteristics. It is specifically misleading information, viewed from the activity of capital market which is related to tender and stock exchange, stock companies, and institutions and professions which deal with stock market. Fraud in capital market is done by using information or falsified condition so that it will harm a party without having the effect on the manipulated market. Regulation on fraud on material fact in the activity in the stock exchange can be seen in Article 90 of UUPM (Law on Capital Market). Criminal Justice System is used in proactive manner when there is an indication of violation against law on capital market by verifying and/or investigating, based on the report or complaint from capital marketers

    Peran Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dalam Menurunkan Kemiskinan Di Tingkat Provinsi Di Indonesia Tahun 2004-2012

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the role of economic growth on poverty reduction seen from sectors in 2004-2012. The variables used were the number of poverty as the dependent variable and the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in nine sectors as independent variables. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the data published by the World Bank. The analytical method used is the panel data regression with fixed effect model approach. In processing the data, the authors using statistical software Eviews 8.1.Based on estimates obtained that overall economic growth is negative and have significant effect on poverty at the provincial level in Indonesia. Furthermore, in terms of sectoral found that variable per-mining sector has a negative influence and significant impact on poverty reduction. It was caused by the commodities boom of the commodity mined. So that the mining sector is not a sector that is key in reducing poverty, but the commodities boom have an impact on poverty reduction in the province in Indonesia

    Pemanfaatan Drosophila Melanogaster Sebagai Organisme Model Untuk Mempelajari Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Ekspresi Sifat Makhluk Hidup Pada Perkuliahan Genetika

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    The interaction between genetic and environmental factors in determining the characters of living organism is one of the main concepts in biology nowadays, and it becomes one of the main topic that students learn in genetics lecture. However, the observation result showed that regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes was considered to be a quite difficult topic for the students. The utilization of Drosophila melanogaster through practical activities can be used as an instructional media to help students understand the effect of environmental factors on the characters of living organism. This research aims to prove that through the crossbreeding of D. melanogaster for several generations, the effect of environmental factors on the characters of living organism can be observed. In this research, three strains of D. melanogaster were used to reveal the effect of dark environment on fecundity, which is one of the determinant factors of fitness in insects. The results showed that D. melanogaster treated in dark condition had lower fecundity than that in the control condition. The results of the comparison among the strains also showed that the strains of wild-type had higher fecundity than the white eyed color and ebony strains. The interaction between light conditions and generation and the interaction between light, strains, and generation also had an effect on the fecundity
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